Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Hmmmm....Relationship is a subjective subject to begin with. There's so many relationship to begin with.

My relationship with my family. I guess it's okay. We have our own problem to solve and we have our own argument to argue. Perhaps, maybe its not that bad. Every arguments can be a huge problem. That is why sometimes we need to be rational and sober when we tackle every issues.

My relationship with friends. Friends come and go, but only the one that appreciate you will stay. I must say that i dont have a lot of good friends. But really really good friends? only a few, but i do treasure and love them. Gaduh sikit-sikit itu normallah.

My relationship with someone. I meet a lot of people in my journey in life. Yes, they do touch my heart and yes I did cry sometimes, and yes I am happy sometimes. But then again, we're not meant to be together i guess. Enough said!

My relationship with god. I'm not that good as a muslim but I do believe in my religion and I have faith.

My relationship with my boss. Good i must say for the moment. I am happy where i work now. But then again, there's always a bumpy road lies ahead.

Relationship, too many relationship to take care. But by the end of the day, it's all about you.


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