Thursday, June 15, 2006

What a boring day....

Today, was a totally boring day for me. Went to office quite late, just because to send all my clothes to the stupid laundry at my house. It's not because i'm lazy to wash it myself, but for the last 2 weeks, the water pressure at my house is making me nuts!! Kejap slow, kejap laju. Meaning, when the time that you need to wash the clothes, to take bath and to wash up all the dishes, and that is the time the water gets really slow. Damn slow!! And end up, i have to send all my clothes to the laundry. Another thing about the laundry at my house, they said that they opened at 9am, but they opened at 1030am. I really hate to go to work late! When i'm late, there's another problem to bump into. LOOKING FOR THE STUPID PARKING LOT!!!

Ok, next, today, GG and Da Dory is not around. They went to Manila. Coming back on Sunday. And it get's really bored coz the room is empty without them. No gossips, no laugh, no phones ringging. I'm kinda miss them. Only me and Anis is in the room. There's nothing to do today and I end up watching "Charmed " (season 6) sampai habis. Yeah....i was the old season. I dun watch tv that much you know... Thanks to my lovely friend...Anis who loves to watch Charmed so much and i end up mintak pinjam ngan dia kejap the episodes yang dia ada. Thanks gurl! Hmm....i wonder wut should i watch tomorrow.....?


Blogger Furious Angel said...

Wow....dun get bored....we will get back soon..hehehehe

12:00 AM  

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