Monday, July 10, 2006


Alot of things happend to me few weeks back. Happy, sad, angry, mad and the most things that really bother my mind now is CONFUSED!!

On the 25th June i've join Celebrity Fitness. Hahaha.....trying hard to stay fit and slim down like my younger days. Hehehe...baru sedar sekarang dah tua. It's fun because GG, Anis, Dory and Hafez join together to acheive one goal that is.....trying to stay fit & healthy.

Secondly....let me see...there's one day, i remember its on friday nite, i went to seremban to see my mom that was admitted in the hospital. Then, i went out with few friends to karaoke somewhere in Seremban ( i dun remember wuts the name of the place ). Nak jadikan cerita, when i was on the way out from the karaoke place, out from no where, there's one old fat malay guy asked for my IC. Oh shit!! there was a rush at that place and we didn't know about it. Damn!! Actually, we didn't know there's a dangdut one floor up from the karaoke place that we went. The rush was for the dangdut GRO's and they guess that me and my friends working at that place. WTF! Please....i'm wearing a winnie the pooh t-shirt, jeans and pakai selipar. Please laa....if i want to go to that kind of place, surely i will wear some nice clothes and somemore, one of my friend wear tudung! Can't they think!!??
Next, all of us was taken to Seremban 2 Police Station with the police truck. Some experience! That was my first time in my life to ride on the police truck and to be in the police station like i'm some lady killer. It took 10 minutes to the police station, 5 minutes to fill in the form, 2 1/2 hours to wait for our turn to check our urine and another hour to be free. OMG! now i know, actually our malaysian police is such a jerk and stupid! There's a story behind it and i dun think so i want to shout it out here. But, i really enjoy one thing. For me....i enjoy free fashion show in the police station. Meaning, most of the GRO is old, blond and got alot of extras tyre here and there. Its totally different from the GRO here in KL. Hehehe....i really enjoy that moment.

Hmm...wut, i've been dump. My boyfriend asked for a breakup without any reasons. I dun know how i feel now. CONFUSED!! After 6 years relationship, end up like this. Actually, i do care for him, but the love is not there anymore. I've been feeling this for the past 2 years. Lets just see wut happend after this....

to be continued.....


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