Monday, September 04, 2006


"So Lynn, when you gonna get married?"....

The clock is ticking and I'm not getting any younger but i always forgets that I'm 27 this year. No more hanky panky but the truth is, I'm ready to get settled down at all. But wut actually makes me still single? Let me see....

At this age, my financial is not stable and emotionally distress. How on earth i can be a queen bee to a family?

To some people, marriage is either to legalized everything and u can be with your
partner peacefully without worrying about JAWI knocking on your door.
To some people, they just wanted to have children of their own.
To some people, to have sense of belonging.
To some people, to have security and someone to depend on.

I'm not really sure why i wanted to get married someday. Perhaps an act of love. Perhaps all the above. For what i know, marriage is a life contract between two people. Life partnership contract for better or worse. To support each other sexually, mentally and emotionally. To be with each other until the day they die or perhaps divorce. So again... should i get married?

Currently I'm not seeing anyone but i'm in love with someone that i know i can't be with till the end. And i'm not really looking forward to go dating again. I'm in the tired mood, which way too tired to hope and fall in love again. I'm not asking for prince charming or any datuk A,B or C to come and marry me. All i need is someone i can get along with. Nothing more.
I'm tired to hope for Mr. right galloping with his horse, draw his sword and protect me from the bad people. I'm tired wishing for my illusion of a dream guy come true, which by the fact there's hardly good men anymore and obviously I'm not a good person either.

So simple, i just need someone i can get along with until the rest of my life. I can put up with all his cranky and bad manners. Just as long i can get along with him and he can get along with me.
I'm tired sacrificing my time, money, life, hope, feelings, dream and let it shattered into pieces just by learning that we cant get along. Almost my past relationship come to an end because we cant get along. Hardly because of third person. I did'nt care about love anymore because I'm tired to hope and wishing because when you started to love again, when it doesn't work out, you feel like the whole world against you. You feel your life is meaningless and everything you do, will leave you back in the solitude of depression.

I'm so fuck up, fed up, tired and stressed out about this relationship thingy. So to all my aunts, uncle's and relatives....stop asking me when I'm gonna get married. I rather be gay and not married if i can get along with a woman rather than a guy. I rather not married and commit sins by living together with some one i can get along out of wedlock. I rather fly off to foreign country and get a sperm donor, impregnated and have my own children if that's the worst case scenario. Because its hard to find someone you can get along nowadays.