Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Suddenly i feel so sad...dun know why i feel this way. Maybe, it's because the problem that i've been thru. I'm doin my best to solve my problem with my fiance. I think it will take me a little bit more time to let myself free. I feel sad because i have to let him go after 5 years relationship. I can't get along with him anymore. After wut i've been thru with him, i think i had enough with it. He's too depending on me too much. If i broke up with him soon, i hope he will understand why i'm doin this, hope that he can live without me by his side and really hope that he can forgive me for wut i've done to him. I'm really...really sorry.....

Recently, on the 3rd Jan, GG went to Philippines for shoots. She'll be there for 2 1/2 months. Huaaa....so longg.....Now, i think i missed her. Tomorrow, Sira will be goin to Philippines. So, left only me, anis and da dory. I'm gonna miss her. Miss both of them. For now, i dun have any job assignment. But, i think i'm gonna be assign with a new reality show coming up soon coz i'm gonna start pre-production by next week. I really hope i can go for my holiday vacation to Philippines on the 27th Jan with my friends. Hopefully i can go. I really need a break after all the hectic shoots and my personal problems.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Je voudrais lancer un site web d'emplois en utilisant Joomla ou Wordpress. Est-ce possible?

11:37 AM  

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