Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year...

Happy New Year to all.

It's been months I haven't wrote anything in my blog. Hmmm....its been quite a year for me. I was busy with my shoots called Mat Dom Teksi ( 3rd & 4th Seasons ). It was a tension job to handle. But, i was proud, last year it self, Mat Dom Teksi won 3 awards. 1st was Anugerah Oskar ( won the best audio for MCP ), TV Asia Award ( Janet Khoo won the best actress for comedy ) and lastly Anugerah Skrin 2006 ( won the best comedy series ). After all that, now i know, the hard work that i've gone thru last year, means something to me. Eventhough my name was not mention in any of the competition, but to be one of the crew behind the scene enough to makes me proud to get involved in that project. Thanks to all of the production team, crew, casts and most important to the Director/Executive Producer ( Abg Lan ) and my boss ( Mr Eric Ong ). Congratulations to all!! Cheerrsss!!!

Another story....i've make a biggest mistake in my life recently. I was engaged to someone that i've known for 5 years. But, the problem is.....i know that i'm not in love with him anymore....but i accept to get engaged with him. WHY.....WHY...WHYYY!!!!!! Wut have i've done!!

Another thing is .... i'm in love with someone else now. He's the sweetest guy that i've ever met in my life. The best thing happend to me last year know him and to love him with all my heart. But for am i gonna settle my problem with my so called "fiance"? I dun love him but i do care for him, meaning care for him as my friend no more as my lover.

For now, i have to face the problem and try to make things right. It was a hard thing to do, but i have to face it. I have to tell him and his mother what i feel and hopefully he can accept it. I know, i will break his heart in to pieces and i really hope he can accept it. Not only that, to his mother....i'm really sorry for what i've done. I know i will break your heart too...but u have to understand why i have to do this. Please understand, i'm making this decision not because i'm in love with someone else, but....hopefully she will understand wut i've been gone thru with her son for the past 5 years. I'm really really sorry....


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